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This video explains the work of police chaplains and chaplaincy in general and how chaplains can be of support to serving and former police as well as how they assist and support families. 

This can include assisting when mental health issues arise as well as family crises, relationship breakdown and where there is illness or a death in the family.


Addictions are formed when substances or behaviours become unhealthy and start to impact function levels.

Car accident window shattering

Vicarious Trauma

Vicarious trauma by way of exposures to the traumatic experiences of others can erode your sense of self and change the way you view the world.

Family breakdown and distress

Police Families are integral in supporting their loved one working in policing environments however police work may take a toll on the family unit.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Solhouette of person looking out window


Anxiety is the body’s natural response to a threat or perceived threat when fear, worries, concerns and apprehension about the future occupies the mind along with physical changes such as a pounding heart, or shortness of breath

Burnout and Compassion Fatigue

New Safe Haven service for Illawarra and Shoalhaven to help those in suicidal crisis

For people who are in crises this safe haven offers a drop in centre staffed by peer workers as an alternative to attending Hospital.