Content for content for former police officers

National State Police Jurisdictions Mental Health Services and Programs
Each individual state police jurisdictions will have mental health services for serving police which should include an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) along with other specific services. This may include EAP for transitioning police, former police up to 12 months and services for families. Career Transition services may also be included in some jurisdictions as moving into a new career after serving in the police force impacts mental health outcomes.

National State Police Legacy
Police Legacy provide professional and compassionate support to families who have suffered a loss through the provision of benefits and services. Children who have lost a parent may benefit from camps, scholarships, trust funds and regular social engagement which is also extended to partners and parents. Each jurisdiction has independent services which may differ from state to state.

National State Police Retired Associations and Support Networks
Staying connected to the police family by joining your local retired and former police association may be helpful in maintaining social connection and positive mental health outcomes. Each state jurisdiction has a retired and former police association where regular monthly meetings and social events assist with staying in touch with former colleagues.

National State Police Unions
All Australian Police jurisdictions have Police Unions who provide Industrial Relations, Financial and in some state’s welfare and mental health support and services. Assistance for issues relating to workers compensation, legal matters, necessitous circumstances, and career transition may also be available through your state union. Associate membership for former officers is another way to stay connected to support and services post policing

New Safe Haven service for Illawarra and Shoalhaven to help those in suicidal crisis
For people who are in crises this safe haven offers a drop in centre staffed by peer workers as an alternative to attending Hospital.

New South Wales Police Force
Each individual state police jurisdictions will have mental health services for serving police which should include an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) along with other specific services. This may include EAP for transitioning police, former police up to 12 months and services for families. Career Transition services may also be included in some jurisdictions as moving into a new career after serving in the police force impacts mental health outcomes.

Northern Territory Police Force
Each individual state police jurisdictions will have mental health services for serving police which should include an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) along with other specific services. This may include EAP for transitioning police, former police up to 12 months and services for families. Career Transition services may also be included in some jurisdictions as moving into a new career after serving in the police force impacts mental health outcomes.

Northern Territory Police Legacy
Police Legacy provide professional and compassionate support to families who have suffered a loss through the provision of benefits and services. Children who have lost a parent may benefit from camps, scholarships, trust funds and regular social engagement which is also extended to partners and parents. Each jurisdiction has independent services which may differ from state to state.

NSW Government Medicare mental health treatment plans
The first step to take when feeling overwhelmed or experiencing those niggling feelings of something isn’t quite right is to visit your GP. A general chat about your overall physical and mental health may indicate further investigation is warranted. This may include a series of tests to rule out physical issues and/or completing a mental health assessment. If your GP feels it would be helpful, you will be given a mental health plan and a referral to see a psychologist or psychiatrist.

NSW Mental Health Commission
The Mental Health Commission provides Australia wide comprehensive services and resources for anyone seeking support and information about helplines, live chat, forums, GP’s, psychologists and psychiatrists, mental health plans, community support, treatment services, residential mental health services including alcohol and drugs, diversion support programs and information regarding peak bodies and advocacy services.
Leisa Doherty’s story assists partners of serving and former police who are struggling to understand the impact of policing on their partner and family.

NSW Police Career Transition Program
In partnership with EML, the NSW Police Force provides career transition services and advice including the More than a Cop program, events, financial, health and support services to assist police who are unable to return to work and who are transitioning out of policing.
NSW Police income protection - TAL
Serving police in each state pay into individual state insurance, workers compensation, superannuation and income protection schemes. Assistance during times of injury, Illness, death, or career transition are available by contacting your appropriate state provider.

NSW Police Legacy
Police Legacy provide professional and compassionate support to families who have suffered a loss through the provision of benefits and services. Children who have lost a parent may benefit from camps, scholarships, trust funds and regular social engagement which is also extended to partners and parents. Each jurisdiction has independent services which may differ from state to state.
NSW Police Pre 1 April 88 - Allianz State Superannuation Scheme
Serving police in each state pay into individual state insurance, workers compensation, superannuation and income protection schemes. Assistance during times of injury, Illness, death, or career transition are available by contacting your appropriate state provider.

NTPA: Northern Territory Police Association
All Australian Police jurisdictions have Police Unions who provide Industrial Relations, Financial and in some state’s welfare and mental health support and services. Assistance for issues relating to workers compensation, legal matters, necessitous circumstances, and career transition may also be available through your state union. Associate membership for former officers is another way to stay connected to support and services post policing.

PANSW: Police Association of New South Wales
All Australian Police jurisdictions have Police Unions who provide Industrial Relations, Financial and in some state’s welfare and mental health support and services. Assistance for issues relating to workers compensation, legal matters, necessitous circumstances, and career transition may also be available through your state union. Associate membership for former officers is another way to stay connected to support and services post policing.

PASA: Police Association of South Australia
All Australian Police jurisdictions have Police Unions who provide Industrial Relations, Financial and in some state’s welfare and mental health support and services. Assistance for issues relating to workers compensation, legal matters, necessitous circumstances, and career transition may also be available through your state union. Associate membership for former officers is another way to stay connected to support and services post policing.