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About Us

AMC is made up of a multidisciplinary team that enables a coordinated approach to the delivery of services. Our prime function is to be the “front-foot’’; listen, engage, troubleshoot and anticipate tasks during every front-line phone, email and face to face communication.  All team members have expertise in their relevant fields.

We value empathic care while remaining flexible and understanding of your changing needs. We encourage you to be active decision-makers in creating and achieving your goals. In addition, we have a strengths-based practice where we focus on your abilities.

We have a holistic approach to all our services, which includes not only the client, but their family/carers, community and cultural/religious/diversity needs.

What We Do


We provide all members with the opportunity to further their education with a range of annual events, online learning materials, newsletters and downloadables.


Through our educational opportunities, we facilitate face to face and online relationships between those vested in progressing the mental health industry.


We advocate for equal accessibility, continued best practice and improved mental health services, for both workers and consumers.


By providing opportunities to learn more, gain practical skills and unite, we aim to empower all members to create great change in their communities. We believe all members have the power to make a difference.


We want all members to share their insight, experience and developments in mental health through alliances, partnerships, contributions, feedback and active involvement in our annual events.

Hospital Services with inpatient and/or outpatient programs

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