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Support for Families

As a family member of a WA Police Force employee, you are their main support.  The care, patience and concern you show has positive influence that extends into all aspects of their life, including work.  We know you are the first line of defence in noticing the way work can impact day to day functioning.

Therefore, it’s important to be informed about and take notice of the early warning signs that indicate your loved one might be experiencing emotional distress.

You may be aware of the following:

  • They may view their environment differently and be wary of others beyond their immediate social group
  • Emotional distance and disconnection: shift work and rotating days off can result in absences from family events which can take a physical, mental and emotional toll
  • They may be fatigued and have difficulty ‘catching up’ on sleep or getting to sleep, especially when changing shifts
  • Hypervigilance and state of alertness as police officers are rarely completely off-duty as they can be recalled to duty at any time.

Having a supportive family unit and social network aware of the pressures of policing can help build personal resilience.  Staying connected as a family and promoting open communication can be empowering and help your loved one to feel safe, knowing they have support they can call on.

We recognise that this supportive role can be challenging.  Stay in tune with your own mental health and wellbeing, because it’s important not to support others to the detriment of your wellbeing.  WA Police Force has support services available to family members of personnel to ensure you can get the care you need while you support your loved one.

Pages in Support for Families


Free counselling

Up to 6 sessions a year through an external counselling service

How to support your loved one

How to help your partner through a tough time

Supporting Children

Helping children understand the role of a police officer

Learn more