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Support Services for survivors and supporters of people living with or effected by complex trauma including resources to empower recovery via a helpline, redress services for those effected by institutionalized child sexual abuse and a national counselling and referral service for disability including educational workshops and resources.

Blue Knot Foundation – National Centre of Excellence for Complex Trauma

What we do:

  • Empower recovery and build resilience for the 1 in 4 Australian adults who experience the impacts complex trauma
  • Provide support, education and resources for the families and communities of adult survivors of complex trauma
  • Develop and disseminate best practice and research evidence around complex trauma
  • Build national workforce capacity around complex trauma treatment, trauma-informed practice and managing vicarious trauma
  • Drive innovation in complex trauma policy, practice and service delivery
  • Embed trauma-informed policy, practice and systems change within organisations and the community


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