It’s important for police families to stay engaged and seek support via peer to peer groups or through services and resources. Partners of police can often find friendship and understanding from each other especially in difficult times or when partners are away or working extended hours. Children of police will also benefit from social activities with other police families where they can enjoy friendships and activities.

Your local area command may have information about family days and events or groups operating in your local area. There are also a number of links via this site to guide you to groups or resources.

If there are no relevant services in your area perhaps think about starting a police family social group where you can catch up with partners or with the extended family. Closed Facebook groups or pages are easy to administer and can be a great way to find police families in your area. Locating at least two to three interested parties to assist with administration is often a great way to develop a Facebook page or group which facilitates a conversation, provides helpful links and suggestions as well as advertise social events.

For former officers joining your local retired and former police association will open up social engagement for both the former officer and their partner as most associations hold regular monthly meetings, social outings, welfare services and fund raisers.